Medium to Large Scale Batch Particle Coating

Commercial Scale Rotary Batch Solutions
The LITHOS System provides a simple scale-up pathway for coating large batches of powder in a pilot or commercial production setting. The system uses mechanical agitation and stirring to maximize gas-to-solid contact and assure repeatable coatings on batch sizes up to 1000 kilograms.


The reactor can be sized specifically for the end-user’s application. Batch sizes can range from 10 – 1000kgs and substrates from nano-powders to pellets can be coated effectively. A chemical distribution manifold allows for agnostic vaporization of most precursor types which allows the user to refine chemistries with zero hardware modifications. Precursors may also be delivered through on-board gas cabinets or plumbed directly from an outdoor distribution zone.


  • 50 – 200 °C Manifold and Reactor Heating
  • On-Board Precursor Cabinet with Fire and Loss-in-Weight Monitoring
  • Facility Alarm Input and Outputs
  • 100kg Reactor Capacity
  • Mass Spectrometer
  • Automated Recipe Management, Data Logging and Alarming via Remote HMI
  • Integrated Dry Fore-line Pump and Inline Abatement
  • Overhead Winch Loading


  • Pneumatic or Mechanical Screw Loading
  • Powder Pre-Heating Module
  • Gas Pre-Heating Module
  • Outdoor Precursor Feed Integration
  • Reactor sizes for 250, 500, 750 and 1000kg capacities

Commercial Scale Rotary Batch Solutions


Oxides, Nitrides


• Pharmaceuticals • Energy Materials • Catalysts • Powdered Metals • Encapsulation • Modified Interfaces

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