Please use the form below to request assistance from the Forge Nano Marketing Department. Your request will be routed to the person best suited to your needs. Please note, none of these fields are mandatory,  simply fill out as many as you can. 

Once your submission is received, a marketing team member will reach out in order to better understand your project and can assist in completing the information needed. 

Name and Email:
1. Overview
Provide a brief description of project and the expected deliverables. Keep this overview to just one paragraph as this is the creative brief only. Additional details can be referenced in the Resources section.
2. Objectives
List 2-3 desired outcomes and strategies for success, including measurable results if possible.
3. Schedule and Budget
Identify the target due date for the finished project and any event date driving completion. Also include major milestones or checkpoint dates that occur during the creative and production process. Provide budget information for the project as appropriate.
4. Target Audiences
Describe the target audience and all relevant characteristics that will help “put you in the audience’s shoes”. Provide the following types of audience information:
  • Audience types – relevant industry, market segment description
  • Buyer types – relevant description of individuals by role business decision maker, technical buyer, marketing, sales, etc.
  • Key motivations – What makes them act? What emotion can we connect with?
  • Key issues – What are their problems that we can solve?
  • Characteristics – Where do they access information? What types of media do they consume?
  • Demographics – gender, age, etc.
5. Key Messages
Present information that can be used in developing the creative.
  • Benefits and features
  • Facts and proof points – rank by a credible 3rd party, major milestones
  • Testimonials, case study examples
6. Call to Action
What action do you want the audience to take? Where do they go or click?
7. Creative Considerations
Identify any requirements and brand considerations that impact format, copy, and visual elements, including:
  • Format – web, print, video, sound
  • Layout – considerations in accordance to brand guidelines
  • Tone – personality or voice that resonates with the audience or as required in accordance to brand guidelines
  • Visual – color palette, typography, graphics, photography, logos, icons
  • Localization – any language or regional considerations or requirements
8. Resources
Link to additional resources and reference materials that can be researched during creative development, including:
  • Brand guidelines
  • Existing source materials, including business plans, technical documentation, or websites.
  • Competitive analysis
  • Benchmarks or best of breed comparable examples
  • Legal considerations
9. Files or attachments
Please add and useful or supporting assets, documents, references, images etc.
10. Due Date/Deadline
Please tell us when this project is due. Please do your best to account for revisions and production when making your request.